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Classes are taught in the tradition of T Krishnamacharya and his son TKV Desikachar.


The essence of these teachings being: it is not that the person needs to accommodate themselves to yoga, but rather the yoga practice must be tailored to fit each person (The Heart of Yoga – TKV Desikachar).


There is a popular fascination seen on Instagram and in pop culture yoga classes to fixate upon doing a posture perfectly (classically) and/or having a toned ‘Yoga” body.  It is not surprising to hear from many people – I can’t do yoga because I’m too stiff.

According to Krishnamacharya – If you can breathe, you can do yoga!

It is not necessary to contort yourself or risk injury attempting the classical rendition of a posture. With a simple modification it is possible to get the same benefit.

What is suitable yoga for you in your 20’s does not mean its beneficial for you in your 40’s and onwards.


On a recent study trip to The KYM (Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram), Chennai, India, Senior Teacher Shri Sridharan explained the definition of What is Yoga as – The ability to direct the mind towards a chosen object and sustain that direction without any distractions.


Asana ( postures) is only 1 of the tools of yoga. Others being Pranayama (Breathing techniques), Meditative Practices, Sound and Chanting (Non- religious), Visualisation, Hand Gestures and Self-Enquiry based on the philosophy of the Yoga Sutra.


Yoga is as much a practice involving the breath as it is involving the body.


Below is an example of uttānāsana – forward bend in the classical version and with modifications.

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